If you are going to hire a Diminished Value appraiser, engage the best in the business. AUTODIMINISHEDVALUE.COM stands alone as the provider of real-world research into the devaluation of vehicles after accident repairs. We produce results which are clearly defined- our expert opinion and the unbiased opinions of the sales managers at six new car dealerships in your area. You can easily test the evidence and find out which has the best foundations for which to draw conclusions. To prevail in court, or to compel acknowledgement of insurance personnel, evidence of a vehicle’s Diminished Value must be reliable and irrefutable. Our primary responsibility is to maintain objectivity.
We win in court because we go up against algorithms, formulas and other shortcuts that do not provide incontrovertible and easily understandable evidence of Diminished Value. It is not only insurance companies that rely on these unsound methods, literally all other independent appraisers hired by consumers use them as well. They are a means to reach a conclusion with minimal effort.
Concerning formulas being used to determine a vehicle’s Diminished Value, they are all based on the widely-discredited Rule 17C. That formula was concocted by insurers when Diminished Value claims started appearing after CARFAX created a new standard by which used car buyers could become aware of whether or not the vehicle had a repair history. Rule 17C was designed to limit payouts and placed an artificial ceiling on compensation. This raises troubling ethical concerns.
Regarding algorithms, you give a data set to 10 different analysts there will be 10 different outcomes based on their objective. Artificial Intelligence makes decisions that could have a huge impact on your life. A computer is judging your car’s diminished value amount.
About the use of online ad comparisons, you can take whatever you want from the Internet and craft a story. Two ads for the same car, one previously wrecked and one that had never been in an accident, may show the same asking price. The dealer selling the previously-repaired car can ask any price so that methodology proves invalid.
Then there are book value comparisons, using the difference between Clean Trade-in and Rough Trade-in listings to define a Diminished Value amount. This approach is in no way indicative of real-world results.
Who are you going to trust? It goes back down to people. Are your independent appraiser’s reports truthful and accurate? Have they got the experience and consistency over time?
It is not unusual to encounter insurance company claims personnel hunting a narrative instead of facts. They are willfully ignorant of the commonly-held perception that cars that were previously repaired after collision damages are worth less than similar cars that were never wrecked. Insurers spread misinformation under a verified status. Claims representatives have destroyed their credibility against any real-world standard of fairness, probity or integrity. Adjusters and their supervisors are deliberately indifferent to the systemic under payment and denial of Diminished Value claims. Their responses are, for the most part, misleading or lacking critical content.
Judges have struggled mightily with this task—in part because most have no training in real historical analysis in the area of Diminished Value. Magistrates lack both the methodological and substantive knowledge that appraisers possess. The sifting of evidence that judges perform is different than the sifting of sources and methodologies that appraisers perform. The outcomes of many Diminished Value cases of greater value are determined by juries. A jury verdict has a way of establishing something as a social fact, in a way that decisions from magistrates cannot.
Click on the payment button above to pay by Credit Card or Paypal. The fee for an Automobile Diminished Value Report is
$275.00. You may also make your Credit Card Payment by telephone, call 772-359-4300. Tesla and other exotic car owners please call for rates.
Service throughout Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming