Review of an Auto Diminished Value Appraiser in Oklahoma

Automobile Diminished Value Appraiser in all 50 States

Jim S (Oklahoma)-Thank your for the Diminished Value Appraisal on my Chevy Colorado. The fact that you used actual dealers in the Tulsa area was very impressive and very persuasive in court. I originally hired Collision Claim Associates to give me a DV Appraisal and their formula determined I had a DV loss of $4,725.00. I submitted this to Progressive and they told me OK didn’t recognize Inherent Diminished Value and that the Collision Claim appraiser was not licensed in Oklahoma. After they accepted I wasn’t going to go away, they offered me $1,600.12 which came from their appraisal prepared by Auto Damage Appraisers, Tulsa, using the 17 C formula. I told them their appraisal was based on the Georgia class action court case and was not relevant to my claim, and in fact was recommended by the Georgia court to be used only when a more reliable loss appraisal wasn’t available. Progressive then turned my claim over to their OKC law firm which offered me $2,500, take it or leave it. That’s when I found your website and read how you used local reputable dealers to determine that the actual loss in value was $10,875.00. Now I am relieved Progressive decided to take such a firm stand against my claim because I will receive much more that what the Collision Claims formula estimated.

Kenneth M (Oklahoma)-I was able to settle with Shelter Mutual Insurance (Oklahoma) 11 business days after receipt of my diminished value report. I have no doubt that I could have held out for a few hundred more dollars but I am ok with $3,230.24 from my initial demand of $4,359.50. Thanks Mr. Colletta for the report.

Dustin A (Oklahoma)- Speedy, quality service for our Ford Model A appraisal.


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AUTODIMINISHEDVALUE.COM and TOTALLOSSDISPUTE.COM are services of The St. Lucie Appraisal Company